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Instant 5G Broadband Services in Disaster Situations

Natural Disasters and their impact on communications services

The frequency of natural disasters continues to increase globally with 409 incidents recorded in 2019 alone. The recent floods in many parts of Europe have shown how essential communication is for first responders as well as the people affected by the disaster. Whenever a natural disaster strikes, existing communications infrastructure can be severely impacted at a time when first responders need it most. As an example, in the “Ahrtal” communication services were unavailable for almost a week. Therefore, leaving more than 1000 first responders without communications, significantly limiting the operational effectiveness in life-threatening situations.

Easily carryable backpack solution for instant 5G broadband services

How to change things?

GuardStack’s software suite enables a portable 5G broadband network providing decentralized services when existing infrastructure is unavailable. Capable of being rapidly deployed within minutes, GuardStack is easy to operate for non-communication professionals. GuardStack provides a natively embedded set of services such as Voice/PTT, Messaging and enhanced broadband services such as Video, Data, Location Information for first responders. Each node operates as a fully stand-alone network.

How it works

The solution is dynamically scalable as multiple instances in proximity automatically form one logical network compound. GuardStack software platform is able to operate on any edge computing hardware to enable decentralized, rapidly deployable communication services. Additional 3rd party broadband services can be flexibly added through a unified operation & maintenance interface. Multiple platform instances form a self-healing compound of meshed nodes, providing critical communications services through any available access or transmission technology, including legacy LMR. Embedded, decentralized real-time applications such as video provide real-time situational awareness to enable faster and fact-based decision making.

Due to its innovative content and the wide range of possible uses, this solution has now also been nominated by the GSMA for the GLOMO Award. This award recognises the critical role of mobile as a vital tool in times of disaster. It is awarded specifically for mobile services, initiatives, applications, solutions or products established, developed or deployed to support communities affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, famines, tornadoes, floods, etc. or other humanitarian emergencies such as refugee crises, conflicts, terrorist events or epidemics, in terms of speed and scale of support or through innovations that provide new opportunities to save and improve lives.

More information can be found here.

GLOMO Award Nominee

Due to its innovative content and the wide range of possible uses, this solution has now also been nominated by the GSMA for one of the GLOMO Awards. This specific award recognises the critical role of mobile as a vital tool in times of disaster. It is awarded specifically for mobile services, initiatives, applications, solutions or products established, developed or deployed to support communities affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, famines, tornadoes, floods, etc. or other humanitarian emergencies such as refugee crises, conflicts, terrorist events or epidemics, in terms of speed and scale of support or through innovations that provide new opportunities to save and improve lives.

About the Author

Joerg Ambrozy

Joerg worked in the public safety department of one of the world’s largest network providers for several years. He specialises in rapidly deployable broadband networks and works as Managing Director at blackned.

Microsoft Azure Stack Customer Story

All-in-one critical-communications network using Azure Stack

When establishing GuardStack we had aimed to simplify and enhance mission-critical communications through strategic software products. Therefore, we have developed an all-in-one architecture that unifies management, platform, security, and application layers under one common hybrid solution. By integrating Microsoft Azure Stack Hub and 5G radio into this architecture, we fill the gaps between traditional communication networks and the stringent requirements of the tactical edge. The resulting always-on connectivity enables teams to communicate more effectively and to make faster decisions, potentially saving lives in high-risk situations.


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“With our GuardStack distributed architecture and Azure hybrid cloud services, critical real-time services are available to the dismounted soldier at the far edge of the network.”

– Joerg Ambrozy: Managing Director GuardStack

Overcoming challenges in the field

Military applications come with unique challenges. “You’re in a scenario that’s completely unpredictable,” says Joerg Ambrozy, Managing Director for GuardStack. “You may plan your mission, but by the time you deploy it, the mission is already going in a different direction.” Traditional networks limit how quickly dismounted soldiers can respond to these changing conditions because there’s no static connectivity to ensure that critical services are available at all times.

On the battlefield, the situation is extremely dynamic. As vehicles, helicopters, and soldiers move around, the network moves with them. Coverage areas and connections can disappear without notice. When they do, soldiers need to dynamically shift between various access and backbone technologies, which cuts off critical services in a traditional network.

Timo Haas, CEO, founded blackned to solve this problem. As he says, “The network needs to follow the mission, not the other way around.” To that end, the company has developed a full hybrid stack solution, GuardStack, that requires just a computing unit to run its end-to-end infrastructure services. Enhanced services require additional computing capability.

Do you want to read the full story? Check out the customer story on the Microsoft Website here.

What is GuardStack?

GuardStack Software Suite addresses the most stringent communications and information sharing requirements armed forces and first responders are facing at the tactical edge. 
GuardStack ensures security, interoperability, network mobility and operability using government transparent source code to meet national security standards. Thereby enabling mission- and business-critical communications.

GuardStack 5G network selected as a winner for the 2020 Intelligent Manufacturing Award

With the Microsoft Intelligent Manufacturing Award (MIMA), Roland Berger and Microsoft recognise digital solutions from companies in the manufacturing industry that are driving the change towards Industry 4.0 with innovative ideas and creative technology approaches.

More than 60 industrial companies applied for the Microsoft Intelligent Manufacturing Award 2020 last September. After an initial selection round in December, 15 finalists were shortlisted. On January 21st 2021, these companies presented their projects virtually to the award’s top-class Industry Advisory Board. Blackned’s CEO Timo Haas and a Daimler representative jointly presented a benchmark-setting use-case.

A jury of top-class decision-makers from the industry, universities as well as technology and consulting companies, named our use case “Hybrid Azure Cloud Services at the Industrial Edge” the winner of this year’s MIMA in the category Educate!.

Want to know more about GuardStack? Check out our industrial solutions.


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You can find more information on the Roland Berger Website.

Reference Case BASF: Automated Guided Vehicles


With an area of approximately ten square kilometers and about 39,000 employees, the BASF site in Ludwigshafen is the world’s largest integrated chemical complex. As the headquarters of BASF, it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows, and logistics are networked together intelligently in order to utilize resources as efficiently as possible.


A new integrated storage and logistics concept will help BASF significantly reduce logistics costs. The most important components will be automated guided vehicles (AGVs), which will provide the 150 loading stations at the site. The network and connection of the AGVs will be realized by private LTE.


The high number of metallic supply lines at the production site makes a standard network planning impossible. Nevertheless, it is essential to have a consistent and reliable transmission of HD camera signals for controlling and monitoring the AGVs, to have a safe and trouble-free production.

“In the process of digitization BASF wants to be a pioneer for the entire chemical industry: at our largest site the private LTE helps to implement an innovative, safe, and cost-effective solution”

Gerd Wosien, Industrial Communication Technology, BASF SE


In order to ensure a trouble and failure-free operation, BASF invests in an own private LTE network consisting of GuardStack Platform and Airspan base stations. The BASF LTE network transmits the control and video data to the AGVs which are integrated into a site network infrastructure, operated as an AVG Campus network. Therefore BASF guarantees an upload data rate of 15 Mbit/s with a low latency of <50ms for each AGV. BASF keeps control of all elements of production.

The LTE-core components are realized by GuardStack Platform. It includes the so-called “Evolved Packet Core (EPC)” with its base components MME and SAEGw as well as the HSS in software and builds the private LTE network together with Airspan base stations (eNodeBs).

GuardStack enables BASF a unique administration of all components and users of the private LTE system. The intuitive Platform interface allows simple integration of the existing network infrastructure.


Establishing a private LTE network enables BASF a modern, innovative, and highly efficient logistics concept as well it will help BASF significantly reduce logistics costs. The benefits, having an own private LTE network, are promising:

  • Low annual fees for the use of frequencies
  • Network administration by our trained staff
  • No additional costs due to the SIM Card Management of GuardStack
  • Available end devices and a wide range of applications
  • LTE technology will be produced in high quantities, thereby cost-optimized and assured of a good future

What is SWaP? The GuardStack Approach

SWaP stands for Size, Weight, and Power – in this context it typically describes the reduction of the overall dimensions and weight of a device while increasing its efficiency and lowering the overall footprint. The acronym emerged mainly from military requirements and industry trends towards smaller, more powerful devices.

SWaP in a Military Context

The use of low SWaP has increased significantly in the military environment in recent years. As missions require increasingly mobile and flexible forces, the need for devices with low SWaP has increased. Additionally, the size of the squads have diminished, while the packs of soldiers have enlarged to compensate for the low crew capacity. These factors make the development of low-SWaP devices even more critical. Optimizing all mission-critical equipment is a current priority of today’s armed forces. 

SWaP in Communications

GuardStack provides the secure middleware, connecting innovative and emerging broadband technologies such as 4G/5G with tactical radio communication technology such as long-range VHF and UHF.

Our products have been specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of soldiers and first responders. Therefore, GuardStack mobilizes the network itself, delivering service continuity with a network that always follows the mission. It features an end-to-end software solution, integrating many functionalities into the software, that previously required heavy and bulky hardware components.

The holistic network view can be accessed by fixed, central consoles or remotely with smartphones or tablets using standard internet browsers. Furthermore GuardStack eliminates the necessity to persist data in different places and all the intricacies that would come with it. The size and weight (SWaP) saved thereby enormously reduces the load capacity of the soldiers.

Contact our partners to learn more! 

What is GuardStack?

GuardStack Software Suite addresses the most stringent communications and information sharing requirements armed forces and first responders are facing at the tactical edge. 
GuardStack ensures security, interoperability, network mobility and operability using government transparent source code to meet national security standards. Thereby enabling mission- and business critical communications.


GuardStack Technologies LLC
18995 Forest Blvd N.
Forest Lake, MN 55025

Tel.: +1 651-982-4642
Fax: +1 651-982-4621

Software Solutions



GuardStack Technologies LLC
18995 Forest Blvd N.
Forest Lake, MN 55025

Tel.: +1 651-982-4642
Fax: +1 651-982-4621

Software Solutions


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