Instant 5G Broadband Services in Disaster Situations

Natural Disasters and their impact on communications services
The frequency of natural disasters continues to increase globally with 409 incidents recorded in 2019 alone. The recent floods in many parts of Europe have shown how essential communication is for first responders as well as the people affected by the disaster. Whenever a natural disaster strikes, existing communications infrastructure can be severely impacted at a time when first responders need it most. As an example, in the “Ahrtal” communication services were unavailable for almost a week. Therefore, leaving more than 1000 first responders without communications, significantly limiting the operational effectiveness in life-threatening situations.

How to change things?
GuardStack’s software suite enables a portable 5G broadband network providing decentralized services when existing infrastructure is unavailable. Capable of being rapidly deployed within minutes, GuardStack is easy to operate for non-communication professionals. GuardStack provides a natively embedded set of services such as Voice/PTT, Messaging and enhanced broadband services such as Video, Data, Location Information for first responders. Each node operates as a fully stand-alone network.
How it works
The solution is dynamically scalable as multiple instances in proximity automatically form one logical network compound. GuardStack software platform is able to operate on any edge computing hardware to enable decentralized, rapidly deployable communication services. Additional 3rd party broadband services can be flexibly added through a unified operation & maintenance interface. Multiple platform instances form a self-healing compound of meshed nodes, providing critical communications services through any available access or transmission technology, including legacy LMR. Embedded, decentralized real-time applications such as video provide real-time situational awareness to enable faster and fact-based decision making.
Due to its innovative content and the wide range of possible uses, this solution has now also been nominated by the GSMA for the GLOMO Award. This award recognises the critical role of mobile as a vital tool in times of disaster. It is awarded specifically for mobile services, initiatives, applications, solutions or products established, developed or deployed to support communities affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, famines, tornadoes, floods, etc. or other humanitarian emergencies such as refugee crises, conflicts, terrorist events or epidemics, in terms of speed and scale of support or through innovations that provide new opportunities to save and improve lives.
More information can be found here.

GLOMO Award Nominee
Due to its innovative content and the wide range of possible uses, this solution has now also been nominated by the GSMA for one of the GLOMO Awards. This specific award recognises the critical role of mobile as a vital tool in times of disaster. It is awarded specifically for mobile services, initiatives, applications, solutions or products established, developed or deployed to support communities affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, famines, tornadoes, floods, etc. or other humanitarian emergencies such as refugee crises, conflicts, terrorist events or epidemics, in terms of speed and scale of support or through innovations that provide new opportunities to save and improve lives.

About the Author
Joerg Ambrozy
Joerg worked in the public safety department of one of the world’s largest network providers for several years. He specialises in rapidly deployable broadband networks and works as Managing Director at blackned.